
A Perfect Day in Paris | Sept. 7th 2024

More than just a backdrop, Paris is a living canvas where every street, bridge, and garden tells a story. It’s a place where art comes to life, where every moment feels suspended in a state of timeless romance. Here, in the City of Light, you won’t just capture scenes but you’ll weave stories of love, history, and beauty.

Under the ethereal light of the world’s most romantic city, this photography workshop is an invitation to capture the soul-stirring beauty of Paris through your camera.

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Raw Power – Rho, 20 aprile 2024

Questa masterclass, organizzata in collaborazione con l’associazione culturale BeLooker, è progettata per fotografi appassionati e professionisti che desiderano affinare le loro abilità di editing e sfruttare appieno il potenziale creativo del fotoritocco.

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